This world premiere contemporary opera tells the moving story of the Shimono family, Japanese Americans forcibly removed from their suburban home in Southern California in 1942 and reunited in a desolate incarceration camp. A dark chapter in U.S. history, this poignant, new opera illuminates the remarkable strength of familial bonds and the power of collective resistance in the face of injustice.
Scroll down to learn about the creators, hear the music, and read the full synopsis.
The librettist, Lionelle Hamanaka, is a sansei whose parents were interned at Jerome. She was born in New York City after her father, Conrad Yama, pursued a PhD in philosophy at the New School on the GI Bill. She was exposed to great literature by her father’s recitation of poems by Shakespeare, e e cummings, Lorca, Neruda and other great poets during his daily practice routine. Conrad Yama was a working character actor in New York and Lionelle saw much theater as a child. She studied Kabuki and Noh at Brooklyn College with Benito Ortalani, acting with Carol Rosenthal at HB, and privately with Susan Mertz, audited the playwright division of Actors’ Studio, was in Ernie Martin’s Actors’ Creative Theater, and took courses with Gary Garrison at the Dramatists Guild Institute. She won three writing awards (Ray Stark (twice), Jacob Weiser, Frances Patai). Some pieces were published and produced. Ms. Hamanaka is in the Dramatists Guild and a few plays are in Roberto Uno's archives of Asian American Female Playwrights at UMass Amherst. After many years as a jazz singer, she returned to playwriting, in 2018 co-founding The Crossways Theatre, to portray the racial and ethnic diversity of New York City.
Daniel Kessner was born in Los Angeles in 1946, into a family of Ukrainian-Jewish origin. He studied with Henri Lazarof at the University of California, Los Angeles, where he received his Ph.D. with Distinction in Composition in 1971. His interest in Japanese music goes back nearly 50 years, and even includes a brief period of shakuhachi study. Although his major focus has been on vocal and instrumental symphonic and chamber music, his first operatic work, The Telltale Heart, was among the winners of a competition for musical-theatrical works in The Netherlands in 1980, and was produced in three cities by the Netherlands Opera. He had previously received the 1972 Queen Marie-José International Prize in Geneva. He is now Emeritus Professor of Music at California State University, Northridge, where he taught composition and theory from 1970 through 2006. His music is published by Universal Edition in Vienna, and his works have received over 1000 performances worldwide. He maintains an active career as composer, flutist, and conductor.
The following was filmed during an early workshop with performers Roberto Perlas Gómez and Shu Tran.
ACT I. Prologue: A Commentator frames the backdrop as World War II. Scene 1 is on Evacuation Day in February 1942. The Shimono family is packing and the FBI appears and arrests the father, Mas, who is a fisherman on the West Coast, and therefore suspected of spying for Japan.
Scene 2 takes place nine months later, after Haruko and her daughters, Suzuko and Rebecca, were interned at the Santa Anita Racetrack and have moved to a small room at a “permanent camp.” Friends visit; Mr. Tana arrives with news that Mas has arrived, and the family clusters joyously around him.
Scene 3 is in the kitchen messhall where Mas is working as a cook. Taylor, the Camp Administrator and PFC Parker visit and Kenji, a kitchen worker, reports sugar missing. Taylor orders the inmates to clear the woods for fuel or freeze. Then the Supervisor, Edwards, arrives with the supply order list. After he leaves there is discord among the workers, for the kitchen is short staffed. Suzy and her friend Nobu take a break outside to escape the stress and discuss their hopes for a future, Suzy as a sugar beet worker and Nobu as an Army recruit. Mas forbids Suzy to see Nobu, out of fear he will die in the war.
Scene 4 is at the end of December at a surprise birthday party for Rebecca, who is turning 12. They sing Happy Birthday and a Japanese song, she dances and begins to cough, for she has not gotten over the pneumonia she got at Santa Anita racetrack. Act I ends.
Act II, Scene 1 moves to 1943, when the Japanese Americans are confronted with the Loyalty Oath, Questions 27 and 28 forswearing allegiance to any other government but the US. At the opening of the scene Suzy and Nobu are alone sharing con idences. Nobu is elated because he will join the all Japanese American regiment, the 442nd. Suzy says she will be leaving to work on a sugar beet farm. Nobu then shocks her by asking her to marry him. Mas approaches and Nobu leaves. Mas talks to Suzy about Nobu’s enlistment. Mas says he opposes the fascism in Japan, but warns Suzy that Nobu may be killed in the war. Suzy leaves and Haruko enters. Mas drinks a lot of sake and objects to Haruko’s new ‘perm’ hair. He quarrels and grabs her hair. When Haruko protests, Mas reveals his despair because he has lost authority in the chaos of the camp. He feels Suzy will never come back. Haruko defends Suzy. Mas says no one listens to him anymore. Then he grabs her, confessing that she was right and he was wrong and begs her forgiveness. Suzy returns and reconciles with her father. He says he has nothing but the family. In the next scene,
Scene 2, we find Mas in the kitchen. He catches Edwards stealing a bag of sugar, who offers him a kickback in return for silence. They fight and Kenji walks in. Edwards vows revenge and leaves. Kenji rings the messhall bells and calls the crew. Just as Edwards promised, PFC. Parker appears informing Mas he has been charged with a crime and has a hearing scheduled with the Camp Administration. Kenji then addresses the workers, and asks if they want to let Mas get arrested. They respond with shouts of “No! No!”
Scene 3 is the next day, when Haruko comes home from work with hot tea for Rebecca. Rebecca is in bed and can’t wake up; she doesn’t move. She has died during the day. Haruko screams. Mas enters and Haruko sends him to the infirmary. PFC. Parker appears, reminding Mas of his appointment with Camp Administration. Mas tells him to get out. The scene fades to Funeral services led by the Buddhist reverend, with the family and friends gathered for a memorial.
Scene 4 takes place the morning of Mas’s hearing. He waits for Tana. Haruko is terri ied Mas will be arrested again. Mas says they must light a candle for the soul of Rebecca and he wants to struggle so that no more children will die from the terrible conditions in camp. Haruko then agrees to go along with the kitchen workers’ plan. Tana arrives and explains they will surround the administration building if they try to arrest Mas. Mas declares he is ready and they leave for the hearing. This is the end of Act II. A short Epilogue follows, with the cast onstage with Commentator for the finale.